During the week before Halloween, the boys had one week free (without school). We called this "white week" (here is a break in the midterm). The boys and I used this week to decorate the house with Halloween crafts. One of this activities was decorate paper pumpkins with magazines scraps (the same that with Mr. Potato toy). I saw the idea in Reading Confetti - Fun and simple activities to create life long readers. They called to the pumpkins "Jack-o'-lantern" (for know more about it you can visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack-o%27-lantern).
Before the activity I drew a pumpkin in a cardboard (for Barry I cut it but the older boys have to cut by themselves). Then, they start to decorate with magazines scraps.
For the activity you just need:
For the activity you just need:
- Orange cardboard
- Green cardboard
- Glue stick
- Scissors
- Older magazines (with faces)
I have attached photos of the process. Enjoy it!
I hope you like the activity. It was so funny for my boys (and they have different ages). See you in next activity! Sorry for my English... :D
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